The New Bedding $aver Mat will cut your sand usage by up to 50%. Less sand in your lagoon/separator equals savings for you. See a payback within 18 months. Also compatible with Sawdust, Compost & Bio-Solids.
The Highlights
Features & Benefits
Saves Money
Reduces up to 50% of the bedding material purchased, resulting in 50% less handling & hauling
Easy Install
Easy 'do-it-yourself' installation
Promotes Health
Supports hoof health
Durability & Comfort
Robust, comfortable & improves lying position
Reduces Moisture
Cow beds are significantly drier
Consistent Level
Keeps bed level so cows can get up easier
Prevents Waste
Cows can’t dig holes & waste sand
Easy to Maintain
Lagoons won’t fill up as fast with solids
Environmentally Friendly
Made from recycled materials and innovative conservation of soil and energy
Made in USA
Proudly made in the USA from Reclaimed Rubber
One of the few physical upgrades to your dairy that produces a payback within 18 months.
General Purpose
To reduce the amount of sand or pack that is used in livestock freestalls, and the labor that it takes to maintain those stalls, without compromising the performance and benefits of sand.
The Bedding $aver acts as a sub-surface barrier that reduces up to 50% of the sand or pack, that is cycled through a freestall in the bedding process. This is achieved by stopping the cow from digging deep holes, and maintaining the proper slope in the stall.
Also compatible with Sawdust, Compost & Bio-Solids.
2’ wide X 5’ long X 1 1/2” thick, W/1/4” Bottom Legs
Avg. 85 Lbs. ea.
- MAT- High density, Molded Rubber

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